Study explores how traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Study explores how traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Each year, about 2.5 million people suffer from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which…

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GE Healthcare wins FDA clearance for Alzheimer’s imaging software

GE Healthcare wins FDA clearance for Alzheimer’s imaging software

Dive Brief: GE Healthcare has received 510(k) clearance for a tool designed to help clinicians assess…

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Can Alzheimer’s Be Diagnosed by an Eye Test?

Can Alzheimer’s Be Diagnosed by an Eye Test?

Cedars-Sinai researchers are analyzing biomarkers in the retina that identify Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline, studies which…

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What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease?

What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease?

The healthy human brain contains tens of billions of neurons, which are specialized cells that process…

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