Customized care for complex tumors; Brain and Spine Tumor Board for specialized care close to home

Customized care for complex tumors; Brain and Spine Tumor Board for specialized care close to home

The treatment of brain, spine and skull base tumors is intricate and complex. Deciding what next…

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American academy fellow urges FG to fund eye healthcare

American academy fellow urges FG to fund eye healthcare

Health A fellow of American Academy of Optometry, Dr Demian Echendu of State House Clinic, Abuja,…

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Q&A: How can you improve your brain health?

Q&A: How can you improve your brain health?

The government has formed a national task force on brain health, a critical healthcare area in…

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Commons Clinic Invests .75M in Ambulatory Spine Surgery, Launches “Theater” Platform to Revolutionize MSK Care –

Commons Clinic Invests $9.75M in Ambulatory Spine Surgery, Launches “Theater” Platform to Revolutionize MSK Care –

What You Should Know:  – Commons Clinic, a leader in value-based musculoskeletal (MSK) care, has announced…

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Hugging Face releases a benchmark for testing generative AI on health tasks

Hugging Face releases a benchmark for testing generative AI on health tasks

Generative AI models are increasingly being brought to healthcare settings — in some cases prematurely, perhaps.…

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Game-changing new brain cancer treatment recommended

Game-changing new brain cancer treatment recommended

A new targeted drug combination treatment, described as a ‘step-change in care’ for children and young…

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